WARNING: This Post Is Not About Quilting!
"You Don't Just Buy the Horse." Several years ago Younger Son gave me an iPod for Christmas. I was thrilled! Not so much for the fun of a new toy (though there was definitely that) but because he viewed his mom as "hip enough" to handle this gadget LOL! Soon after I received it, I decided it needed a cute little Liz Claiborne case, then better earphones, then a contraption with speakers that would play the iPod's tunes and I could listen without earphones--and on and on. I mentioned all this to a friend and she commented, "You don't just buy the horse." That became my constant saying as I started to notice that about a lot of things in life. Well, recently we purchased two much-needed new sofas.
And, yep, you don't just buy the horse. Now I am knee-deep in planning new throw pillows to sew and, of course, a new quilt to lay over the back of one sofa or the other! And, yes, of course, we need two new smallish thingies to use as coffee tables. And, well, now, don't those old chairs look shabby??? And, hmmmm, wall art looks a little ratty....
"Ellie Krieger Rocks." Confession: I am a Food Network junkie. My current fixes come from Paula, Giada, Sandra, Rachel, Robin and Sunny. Lately I've discovered Ellie Krieger, a dietician, nutritionist and foodie, who gives such common sense tips on making recipes more healthy. I found her cookbook on Amazon and HAD TO HAVE IT. Notice all my sticky-notes--recipes to try. I love her non-threatening approach to sensible eating. It is not a diet book, just a great way to eat well and healthily.Off to snap some fresh green beans from yesterday's organic Farmers Market visit. Have a superb weekend!EDITOR'S NOTE: Don't know why the couches look so gray on my monitor--they are actually celadon green!!!
Very true!
Celadon Green..one of my favorite all time colors. Sometimes looks green, sometimes grey, and sometimes blue - I have my dining room and living room painted in that color. I love your sofas, and love the "You don't just buy the horse"...been there done that, and still doing it.
I love the green couches! ~They look green on my monitor ;-) So true about all the 'extra's' that are needed too. I do the same thing! LOL
they look green to me....fabulous colour! and like you once we decided on new sofas the new cushions and throws had to come!! ...so true...you don't just buy the horse...great saying!
Post with an excellent point! In everything in life, I find this is true! And I haven't bought an iPod yet. =)
Love the green. =)
I quickly looked at her book while in B&N on Friday...
(I like watching her show too - but I prefer many of the cooking shows on PBS to those on Food Network.)
Oh the iPod *s* I know your story well.
Enjoy accessorizing your new sofa!
Hi, KC - I just found your comment on my blog - wordpress hadn't told me it was waiting for me to approve it. Yes, I used to be on the Pat Sloan list and the "sweat shop" was actually my best friends sewing place. I have moved mine to a double wide mobile home where my DMIL used to live and now the gang refers to themselves as "trailer trash." LOL Love your blog, too - glad you found me and I found you. Happy Quilting, KK (quiltingwithkaren) PS - Love the new sofas, too
I love the new sofas, and hope that you have many a good time slouching on them.
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