Overheard: Whew! Glad it's over--the Fourth, that is. Loud noises? Not so much. Really now, is all that boom-pop-bang REALLY necessary?
Seen: Of all the bugs in all the world, is there one more welcome in the summer night than the firefly? (Or, as we called them back in the day, lightning bugs?) Sitting out on the front lawn in our foldup chairs, watching the neighborhood fireworks display, Dear Sister and I both felt the same little nostalgic tingle of childhood memories well up when the fireflies started to "turn on". Watching them seemingly come to life just as darkness settles in is such a delight. The on-and-off glow plays tricks. Where will you show up next, little buggy? It's as if there is a tiny built-in switch. Now you see 'em, now you don't. Of course, the not-so-sweet childhood treatment of these marvelous creatures crowds into the enjoyment. And we wish we could go back in time and undo the ring-making and jar captivities. But, for now, we enjoy them in all their glorious freedom and say a simple "sorry".
Thought about: Poor ole' lonely sewing room! Not much progress in there for a few weeks on DH's Star Quilt (see May 26th post). Not much progress on ANYTHING in that room, for that matter! Here's the paltry progress:58 Snowball Blocks (untrimmed)
18 Nine Patch Blocks of assorted turquoises
and assorted creams
Ready to start on the 17 Nine Patch Blocks of
assorted red-oranges and light red- oranges
Does anyone else out there in Blogland find it difficult to get motivated to sew in the summer? Please, lie and say yes.
I can't get motivated to do anything much in summer...!! I am a winter girl and am enjoying the cooler days here at the moment....!
We usually travel so much in the summer it's hard to find time to sew but once I get going I'm motivated.
Vera, I am sorry to hear about the loss of your mother in law. I actually thought you decided not to blog anymore.
Unfortunately because I am a teacher I get most of my quilting done in the summer. I piece in the fall and winter and try to quilt as much as possible on the breaks.
My garden and yard have been taking most of my time. I love to work outside and with all the rain the weeds are winning, time in the sewing room suffers.
I am in a real slump. If I don't get with it soon, I am going to have to take the quilt things off the blog!
Someday soon the motivation will return, I hope.
Do you know the last 2 times I've been in the midst of commenting a Thunderstorm came thru and I lost power. Goodness I'm so happy I can at least comment now.
Love the photos of the cats! So sweet. Funny how they have different reactions, ha? (well not so funny)
Always good to see you! *karendianne.
Living Life at LeeHaven
Don't feel alone! I, too, am in a quilting slump. I don't know what it is. I guess too much going on during the summer.
LOL summer's are always way too busy at my house to steal any sewing/quilting time, but I am always ready to go in the fall! ;-)
Your striped cat looks just like my Edgar Poe--same color feet and everything. How funny! There is always so much to do/see/go/visit in the summer, don't feel bad about being in a slump. You will find your quilting muse soon :) I have been doing a lot of handwork that's easy to take along, start and stop, and work on for a few minutes.
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