Whirlwind Friday
Yesterday was quite a whirlwind day. Drove to Omaha (3 hour drive up, 4 hour drive back--will explain shortly!!) to celebrate Son #1's birthday and spend a few hours with him. Pleasant visit, even though hurried. The reason the drive back to KC took a little longer? Yep, two quilt shop stops. DH is an angel about that--especially if the shops have "husband benches". I had just purchased a few days back the 2006-2008 Quilters Travel Companion. I love having this book in the car on trips. Without it, I would never have known about the delightful shops in Plattsmouth and Syracuse, Nebraska! I tried to behave (especially now that I am "officially" a Stash Quilter!!!) But I do love
to see what is new in the quilting world. I did "need" this little array of tealies! And I found a couple of wonderful Judie Rothermel repros to add to a color grouping I have in my stash.
I also got a bit of stitching done in the car on my current "Go To" project. It is a quilt with stitchery blocks (redwork style, but olive DMC 934 floss) done on a wonderful parchment tone background (Michael Miller Fabrics, "Krystal"). I don't usually buy kits but this particular quilt was a shop model in a local quilt shop and I could not resist it. It is called Journey of the Ark and has 9 blocks with light green and olive prints for sashings and little Sawtooth Stars in a barn red for cornerstones. Each block contains two pairs of animals in a very primitive style. I am using 3 strands of floss to give it an even more folk-arty look. I love to have an embroidery project for wait times and TV times, etc. Well, darn it, Blogger is not letting me post that photo but will do so in the future. Very pretty--but hot--day in KC today. I need to do some backyard tidying in prep for Fourth of July company. Stay cool, y'all.
Lovely fabrics :-)
What a brilliant book - who'd be without it on a journey :o)
I think I have the 6th or 7th edition of the same book. I keep it with the suitcase, for trips "outside", that means any place that isn't Alaska. It's always fun to investigate new quilt shops. I wish there was a book like this for beads too. My fabric stash is pretty full, but I can always squeeze in a few more beads!
Pretty prints...you know a guy's a keeper if he'll take you to a quilt shop!!!! Enjoy your weekend.
Been nice catching up with you! I've been so busy with the new job, I haven't had the time(or energy) to catch up on my reading. I have a 4 day weekend, though, so am trying to catch up now. Sounds like you had a good time visiting your son(and an even better time on the drive home! VBG. I'm thinking about next Friday driving to the Versailles area and visiting the Amish lady's fabric store. I've never got to go there without DH! Maybe I'll find something for that new grandbaby that's coming!
Way to shop, Vera! I love those tealy's the mostest.
You think my cat fabric is a Laurel Burch? I don't see anything on the selvage and you can tell how often I DON'T go shopping at a honest to gosh quilt shop.
Love the first teal - the one that looks like poppies. Is it a batik? What fun to investigate different quilt shops - and how nice of your DH to patiently wait.
I think I need that book. Does it include any Canadian quilt stores? Right now we have to search the phone books for quilting shops when we travel. THis looks easier and you could plan your trip aronud the shops! Lol. I love looking at the samples they always have hanging in quilting shops. So inspiring.
A whirlwind of a day and yet it sounds heavenly. I love the red/pink fabrics - yummy!
I've looked back at your posts at your quilts, your fabric selection, your works in progress, etc. You do great work!
THanks for the info about the book. Now I really have to have it.
Sounds like a wonderful day!
belated welcome to the stash ring from me- love the sound of your go to project..I am itching to do some embroidery quilt blocks too...what a fun trip - I am sure your son enjoyed your visit and nice you could do a little stash enhancing shopping as well.
Love the new fabrics and a little stash enhancement trip every now and then is okay!! :) I'll have to get out and get the new book...even though I don't get out of the Midwest much, it's still fun to read all of the ads for the shops! Have a great 4th!
I live 3 hours from Omaha too. I think it's the other direction. I don't have a quilt shop book but my hubby will stop at a quilt shop if I spy one.
Love those repros! I wish I lived in the States...I miss shopping! Things are expensive here and hard to find...would love a long quilt shopping road trip across the States! Would have to remortgage the house though, LOL!
I love your bullseye quilt!
So it's Green work!!
Congrats on becoming a Stash quilter! It's fun to be in a ring! I have the ealier version of that Invaluable book! Good resource!
Omaha!! You're so lucky you live that close and have somewhere to stay too! I was there in 1999 at the NQA show. My friends and I went to several shops which we thought were wonderful! We still talk about that trip to this day! We went on a bus trip there last year, actually to Lincoln to see the quilts that the University of Nebraska. Next time you go, stop in Lincoln and go to the Museum, there are plenty of quilts and textiles on display, and I'm sure your husband will enjoy it just as much. I'm from Chicago...but my friends and I agreed it was the best museum we had been in...probably because it was small and very well put together. Grace Snyder's Petit Point Quilt was on display there too, under glass, we were told that after it's taken off display it may be put away for 20 years or longer so future generations can enjoy it!
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