Today Bernie went to the sewing machine "spa" for his yearly check-up and a BSR update. He'll be away for a few days--sniff, sniff. In his stead will be this little beauty, Whitey. Whitey is a lightweight machine I bought several years ago to take to classes and workshops. He was quite inexpensive and does a decent job. He has needle down, several decorative stitches, and a few other handy tricks up his sleeve. While I was on a roll to chain-piece more HSTs, I set him up in the living room on an old rickety TV tray (remember those???) and stitched away in front of the TV. To date I have 146 HSTs made towards the Broken Dishes baby quilt. They sewed up so-o-o fast! Of course, the time consuming part is trimming them all out to 3 1/2" square!!!!

More glorious weather in KC. It's in the mid-70s with beautiful sunshine today. Can the real spring be very far behind?
The best part of your weblog is that I know behind a double click--you'll find a great spirit...does any thing get this woman down--- love the chain piecing. My machine is next to a wall, so consequently they always bunch up...
Bernie will be back before you know it and better than ever! Thank you for the card link, how fun!
A spare machine is always useful! I am going to check out the link you mentioned, sounds great. :D
The Card Catalogue Generator is so cool! I love your Jo's Scrappy Stars Quilt. Those are my colors. I need to get a spare machine someday but I always have handquilting projects for such a time as when my machine is out of commission.
Great that you don't have to stop what you are doing. I'm off to visit the catalogue site, Cheers, tracey
Thanks for sharing the link to the Card Catalog Generator, and hope Bernie gets home soon.
You are having a ton of fun with those hst's. Your sewing spot looks pretty darned comfy.
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