has an amazing tutorial for making heart blocks from 1" strips of fabric. Well, obviously, this ain't it LOL!!!! I got my strip set of 10 1x22 reds and off reds all sewn together ready to cut out the parts I needed when I discovered I had cut the strips 1 1/4! Toopid, toopid, toopid!!! Will have to try that one again--after I've calmed down. In the meantime, I so loved her pattern idea, that I decided to make a heart block using some nickel squares but using the same idea. Kinda like it!!

With Super Bowl right on our heels, I thought this darling way to serve the ole' layered dip would be so fun! The dip recipe I usually use is: 1 8-oz can bean dip, 1 8-oz carton guacamole dip, 1 16-oz sour cream, 2 diced tomatoes, 1 bunch chopped green onions, 2 ounces chopped ripe olives, 3 cups grated cheddar cheese. Throw this together using the photo as a guide (how's that for exacting directions?!!!) and serve with tortilla chips. The adorable cardinal was on the cover of this month's Missouri Conservationist magazine--not an endorsement of either team, just a cute photo!
Next I got my KC Star 2009 Block 1 all sewn up. Not sure I'll stick with this dark of a red....